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SEO - Guide

  • What Is Ip Address?
  • An IP address notifies the locations of the sources and destination nodes of the routing system. A Internet Protocol (IP) address is a logical address assigned to devices participating in a network that utilizes the IP for communication between nodes. So normally stored as binary numbers, an IP address is usually displayed in forms or notations which are read by humans. 
  • The IP address was earlier intended to be uniquely designed for a single computer or device but this isn’t always necessary, since some private networks create their own addresses. Besides, some technologies redesigned their system to be able to allow multiple hosts for a single address but its place depends on the request of the clients in the network.
  • An IP address specifies the locations of the sources and destination nodes of the routing system. This is why some bits in an IP address are set to comprise subnetworks. IP addresses maybe privately used on a Local Area Network or LAN Ethernet Switches, for the use on the public Internet. Sharing IP Addresses even from a legitimate web host can get your site in trouble.
  • What is static ip address and do you know why you need a static IP address?
  • What is static ip address and do you know why you need a static IP address?
  • One good reason for having a static IP address is that you can use SSL encryption Certificate (e-commerce) only on a static IP address. In order for a person to transfer sensitive data over the internet at times, this data must be encrypted to prevent people intercepting information. 
  • They use encryption (SSL Certificate) if a web site has its own IP address (static IP). It doesn’t work on shared IP. A website takes orders with credit cards and needs to encrypt data and uses SSL with a static IP.
  • If a web site with a static IP address chooses a anonimouse FTP transfers (download files on site) this site needs to have a static IP address handling anonymous ftp transfer. This causes a couple of things one is you don’t need to have your own IP address for a web site. 
  • Another option is Multiple IP Hosting By using multiple IP hosting you can easily take control of content, keywords + traffic?

    • What is a Class C IP Address? Why Use Multiple Class C IP SEO Hosting?
    Search Engine Optimisation hosting and creating a legitimate network of thoughtfully interlinked, keyword related sites come when these sites increase in page rank and then pass their rank to the sites they are linked to because the search engines cannot perceive that these sites are actually controlled by the same person. The Search Engine Optimisation benefits come from increased link popularity for your sites because no longer do you have to beg other sites to link to you. You hold the power to create as many back links as you need.

    In summary, use Search Engine Optimisation hosting when a website owner who is knowledgeable about Search Engine Optimisation strategy and wants every advantage when it comes to getting sites ranked in search engines and receiving organic, search engine traffic to websites. Search Engine Optimisation hosting makes managing large blocks of class C IP addresses simple and easy, and it's an effective way to stand head and shoulders above the competition when it comes to link popularity for your websites.

    Dedicated IP for SEO A dedicated IP will give you a boost in search engine ranking results for that particular website
    If one website is a dedicated IP and cannot rank higher in search engines it might be because you have multiple websites on one host, it is good making them a different IP because search engine is less prone to connect websites together.

    Pretend you have 6 websites and want a 7th. The 6 websites are ranked but are all on same IP address. You place links on each 7 websites to 6th attempting to pass rank to the 7th. The search engine will see that your new site has links from 6 websites. When it goes to check the IP’s for the sites linking to the 7th, they find that they are all hosted on the same server because the IP addresses are the same. The search engine will assign less rank value to the 6th site because it knows that the 5 sites linking to it are all related / owned by the same person. If you put each site on a different IP, it will think that the sites are totally unrelated therefore assigning more link value to those links.

    According to a Google Engineer, when a Search Engine Spider first visits your website, it analyzes your website with basic HTML 1.0. If the Spider is successful in analyzing your website then it will go about and your website will get indexed. If your website will be hosted with a Dedicated IP address then it will get indexed directly as the spider will be able to resolve the website directly. Due to this the website will not be accessed with Basic HTML 1.0. Hence, if the website will be resolved soon, it will get indexed soon.

    Some useful hints for web page development below are taken from software quality aspects but they apply to the development of websites as well. They are described in terms of web page development:

    Reliable: Is the website reliable? Do faults allow for the system to continue running?
    Robust: How does the website respond to incorrect input?
    Performing: How fast does the web page respond to user’s actions? Is it efficient in processing requests and inputs?
    Usage: Is the website easy to navigate and understand?
    Maintainance: Is the website easy to change? Can new functionality be added?
    Ports: What software requirements does the website require? Will this limit the amount of potential users?
    Understandable: How well do you understand the website you’ve developed?
    IP Addresses Effect SEO

    Changing URL'S

    Website redesigning generally involves a complete change of the backend platform and the content management system. This means all the pages of the website would have new URLs and new locations. For example, if you change from an .php platform to a .asp platform, all your URLs will end with Asp instead of .php. In addition, when you incorporate a new navigation system in your website, it changes the URLs as well.

    The search engines will treat these revamped URLs as completely new and index them all over again. The previously indexed old URLs will no longer be valid. When the old URLs are rendered completely invalid, it can result into loss of search engine traffic. However, there are certain things you can do to manage the situation and minimize the damage. If there is a change in only the URL extensions like Asp, .php etc. you can use the same basic file name of your old system within the new system and set up a permanent 301 redirect on your server to direct corresponding pages. If the new URL is completely different from the old one, you need to redirect each URL manually to its new counterpart. If there are plenty of URLs, the process is better automated.

    You can redirect these URL's by using a 301 0r 302 code.
    The 301 and 302 codes are the HTTP status codes used for redirection. These codes indicate that another request must be made in order to fulfill the HTTP request the content is located elsewhere. When a web page replies with either of these codes, it does not return any HTML content, but includes an additional Location: HTTP header that indicates another URL where the content is found.

    Redirections can be chained, that is, one redirect can point to a page that, in turn, redirects again. However, multiple redirects should be avoided to the extent that it is possible. A maximum of five redirections was stipulated by an older version of RFC 2616, but that limit was later lifted. Regardless, it is wise to avoid chained redirects because they can slow down site spidering spiders may only schedule the result of the redirection for spidering instead of immediately fetching it. We recommend chaining no more than three redirects.

    In practice only the 301 and 302 status codes are used for redirection. Furthermore, because browsers are known to struggle with certain of the other status codes, it is probably wise to avoid them, even if they seem more relevant or specific. It can only be assumed that search engines may also struggle with them, or at least that it is not entirely understood how they should be interpreted

    Robot file generator for allowing and excluding file in your C Panel for example what is in the CGi Bin or where in the /contact.php page

    Why do we need multiple C IP class web hosting? How can IP Address effected your SEO?
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