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SEO - Guide

What Is Ip Address? An IP address notifies the locations of the sources and destination nodes of the routing system. A Internet Protocol (IP) address is a logical address assigned to devices participating in a network that utilizes the IP for communication between nodes. So normally stored as binary numbers, an IP address is usually displayed in forms or notations which are read by humans.  The IP address was earlier intended to be uniquely designed for a single computer or device but this isn’t always necessary, since some private networks create their own addresses. Besides, some technologies redesigned their system to be able to allow multiple hosts for a single address but its place depends on the request of the clients in the network. An IP address specifies the locations of the sources and destination nodes of the routing system. This is why some bits in an IP address are set to comprise subnetworks. IP addresses maybe privately used on a Local Area Network or LAN Ethernet Sw